

2017-05-13 小二 21世纪杯英语演讲比赛



赛前胸有成竹一脸云淡风轻 vs 赛后载誉归来笑眯了眼

英国当地时间5月12日下午,第37届IPSC大赛在伦敦进行了总决赛的激烈角逐,7名青年演讲顶尖高手就Peace is not an absence of war这个话题发表了一篇篇精彩绝伦的演讲。最终澳大利亚选手Luke Macaronas和加拿大选手Owen David Thomas Torrey分别获得冠亚军。 其他五名选手不分排名先后,都获得了IPSC Grand Finalist 2017奖项。

澳大利亚选手Luke Macaronas(左)与加拿大选手Owen David Thomas Torrey



来看这个被ESU主席Lord Paul Boateng评价为“heartfelt”的视频↓↓↓


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

Most Chinese young people grew up without having to experience any war.However, that does not mean we always live in peace. Rather, we oftenexperience various kinds of problems that breed bitterness, inequality, andanimosity. Peace is under threat not only because such social problems can leadto conflict, confrontation and even real war, but also because they destroy thepeace in our heart.

Just look around on our campus. One day last semester, my classmate saidduring a chat, “My parents are coming to see me, and we are having a bigdinner!” I was glad and asked: “Oh, great! What restaurant? I know a greatbuffet place not far off campus.” He smiled without saying a word.


To my surprise, his big dinner turned out to be nothing but a few meatdishes his parents had cooked at home, brought over after long hours of trainride and then microwaved in the university canteen. As I figured out later, hewas from the country and, to save money, always bought the cheapest dishes inthe canteen. So that dinner was still a feast for him, in comparison to thepotatoes and cabbages he normally had.


I later tried to make this friend of mine feel better by inviting him tomy birthday party. We had dinner in a restaurant. Things turned out opposite tomy wishes. He was quiet, embarrassed as if he had owed me something. Later, heposted on social media: “Why is God so unfair? Why am I always seen as beingdifferent and as the recipient of help?” Now I was the one who felt guilty, andneither he nor I had peace in mind.


Just like me, most of us on campus may fail to see the wide gap inwealth and, as a result, may live in a mirage of peace. The truth is that weare suffering from a widening gap between the rich and poor, and suchinequality may breed crime and give rise to social conflict. Peace, therefore,is under threat.


To bring peace to the world, we should work on the root cause of socialconflict, and we should start right on campus.


This semester, my university opened up many posts for students who needincome. My classmate is now a part-time shop assistant at a campus grocery. Byearning a wage with his labor, he feels comfortable and confident. I like tobuy groceries at his shop when he is there, and he is happy to treat me withthe snacks bought with his own money.


Now in front of my classmate and others who work part-time, I feelembarrassed since I still use my parents’ money. We have now become hesitanteach time we talk about having a big dinner or even ordering a big takeout.Instead, we are talking about finding part-time jobs and offering voluntaryservices.


While we are making progress on campus, we know there are many more, andmore serious problems in the world offcampus. Ihave now joined a student volunteers’ group that is planning to use the summerto help villages children set up computers and make internet connections sothat they can watch online open courses. My assignment is to collect fun mathpuzzles to be installed in the children’s computers. Our work will not changethe financial situation of their families, but they will see that as theystruggle with life and study, they are not alone but in the thoughts of manyothers. At the same time, we are learning to lead a meaningful life of helpingwith the growth of others. Together, we live in a world of peace and care.


Peace is not the absence of war, and to truly live in peace in theabsence of war, we must make sure that love, care and good will prevail inevery aspect of life. We must all work hard to achieve peace in our heart,among people and in society.


Thank you.

Lord Boateng除了高度肯定顾云翔的表现,他还对公共演讲事业在中国近年来所取得的显著进步表示欣喜。主席先生说,在进入总决赛的7名选手中,有一名来自中国大陆,还有一名来自中国香港,这足以说明在中国公共英语演讲推广的成功。他对顾云翔还有哪些评价?3月亲临“21世纪杯”比赛现场给他留下了怎样的深刻印象?戳视频↓↓↓


进入决赛的7名选手各有特色,优秀得让现场观战的小二眼花缭乱。那澳大利亚选手Luke Macaronas到底有什么过人之处?继续视频戳起↓↓↓




Peace is not an absence of war










